Kung Fu Ranking ~ Saturday December 14th 2024
Congratulations to our students who received their next sashes!
To White Sash
Louisa Mahoney
Ryan Mahoney
Brielle Ojalehto
John Olsen
Karen Sheppard
Harvey Thompson
To Yellow Sash
Adrian Giarusso
Mike Quirk
Olga Smirnov
To Yellow Sash White Tip
Sherry Banks
Nischal Gupta
Allison Mondel
To Green Sash
Maya Merriam
To Green Sash White Tip
Rayhaan Kalvert
To Purple Sash White Tip
Jackson Maslow
Abby Merriam
Elias Nejad
Andy Roberts
Aarohan Shrestha
To Blue Sash
Brighid Morgan
Karan Parmar
To Blue Sash White Tip
Tim Maslow
Cormac Morgan
To Brown Sash White Tip
Hrishi Arun
Treven Force
Scott Merriam
Also, congratulations to our new inductees to Tiger Team:
Fernando Dos Santos
Jackson Maslow
Cormac Morgan
Brielle Ojalehto
Ursula Prisby
Harvey Thompson
Thank you to Shifu Gary J. LaChapelle Jr. for presiding over the ranking. Photos are available on our Facebook and SmugMug pages.