Kids Kung Fu Ranking ~ Wednesday March 29th 2023
Sifu Gary reviews punching combinations with Kids Kung Fu students.
Congratulations to our students who received their next sashes!
To Brown Sash Blue Stripe:
Lucas Wright
To Brown Sash Purple Stripe:
Dylan Wright
To Brown Sash White Stripe:
Mason Cheung
Izzy Friedman
To Purple Sash Black Stripe:
Kenny Houghton
To Green Sash Red Stripe:
Rishika Kalavagunta
Soham Kalavagunta
Ayaan Nehemiah
To Green Sash White Stripe:
Hrishi Arun
To Yellow Sash Red Stripe:
Evelyn LeBlanc
Sawyer Morgan
To Yellow Sash Black Stripe:
Aarohan Shrestha
Noah Wortman
To Yellow Sash White Stripe:
Jaxson Campbell
Quintin James
Zamara James
Patrick Kuhn
Vincent Lauber
Cormac Morgan
Liam Quirk
To White Sash Black Stripe :
Ryan Fowlks
Harry Marshall
Maya Merriam
To White Sash:
Ava Barry
Jackson Hayes
Jackson Maslow
Mick Wong-DeLoughrey
Thank you to our students and their families for their support of our Kung Fu community. Also, thank you to Mr. Scott and Mx. Greyson for helping with the ranking. Pictures are available on our Facebook page.