World Martial Arts Federation Summer Kick Off Tournament ~ June 11th 2023
Congratulations to our students who represented our school at the World Martial Arts Federation Summer Kick Off in Westford, Massachusetts..
Metrowest Kung Fu students and family members at the WMAF Tournament. From left to right; Abby Merriam, Justen Force, Yolanda Stafford, Craig Force, Cassie Johnson, Scott Merriam, Diya Arun, Sihing Eliot Prisby, Lucas Wright, Dylan Wright, Hrishi Arun
Diya Arun
Hrishi Arun
Justen Force
Cassie Johnson
Scott Merriam
Yolanda Stafford
Lucas Wright
Dylan Wright
Diya Arun
2nd Place Forms
2nd Place Weapons
Cassie Johnson
1st Place Weapons
Lucas Wright
1st Place Forms
1st Place Weapons
Hrishi Arun
1st Place Forms
Our gratitude to our students and their families for representing our school at this tournament!